A Blanco y Negro – Live Tribute to Latin American Pop Rock

A Blanco y Negro – Live Tribute to Latin American Pop Rock

A Blanco y Negro – Live Tribute to Latin American Pop Rock

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A Blanco y Negro – Live Tribute to Latin American Pop Rock

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Joe’s on Weed Street — Chicago, IL

  • Address: 940 West Weed St., Chicago, IL 60642
  • Additional Info: 21+ / www.joesbar.comIt will be a night to Celebrate the 1st Year of Gozo La Musica and Bad Hombre Music Presenting live Spanish Rock music in the Chicago area and its suburbs. A Black and White from Kansas City USA. Since 2019, this band has been conquering the hearts of many with their live shows with their tribute to Pop Rock in Spanish, the group is made up of talented local artists from different Hispanic countries, each member has contributed their own style giving it a very special to the band.They have also created original songs like Todo o Nada and Control, just to mention some with Electronic Rock keys and some trap without losing the touch of A Blanco y Negro. Los Corb, a local band from Chicago with more than 10 years playing the best urban Rock covers hits in Spanish and who make you dance at any event they perform. Dj Diablo and Dj Dynamico Pioneers of Rock En Espaol in Chicago who always turn on the public wherever they perform. It will be an unforgettable night full of Rock en tu idioma with a good atmosphere!!! Sera una noche para Celebrar en 1er Ao de Gozo La Musica y Bad Hombre Music Presentando msica en vivo del Rock en espaol en el Area de Chicago y sus suburbios. A Blanco y Negro from Kansas City USA. Desde el 2019 esta banda a estado conquistando con sus shows en vivo los corazones de muchos con su tributo al Rock pop en espaol, la agrupacin esta conformada con talentosos artistas locales de diferentes pases hispanos, cada integrante a aportado su propio estilo dandole un toque muy especial a la banda.Tambin han creado temas originales como Todo o Nada y Control solo por mencionar algunos con teclas de Rock Electrnico y algo de trap sin perder el toque de A Blanco y Negro. Los Corb una banda local de Chicago con mas de 10 aos tocando los mejores xitos covers del Rock urbano en Espaol y que ponen a bailar en cualquier evento que se presentan. Dj Diablo y Dj Dynamico Pioneros del Rock En Espaol en Chicago que siempre prenden a publico donde quiera que se presentan. Sera una noche inolvidable llena de Rock en nuestro idioma con un buen ambiente !!!

To register for this event <strong>email your details to</strong> <a class="event_registration_email" href="mailto:ed@louderchicago.com?subject=Registration%20via%20%22A%20Blanco%20y%20Negro%20-%20Live%20Tribute%20to%20Latin%20American%20Pop%20Rock%22%20listing%20on%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.louderchicago.com">ed@louderchicago.com</a>

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Date And Time

Saturday, February 22, 2025 @ 10:30 PM



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